All About Moss and Tumble

Moss and Tumble is bringing the joy of adorable moss ball and tumbleweed pet plants to everyone! 

What is a pet plant?

Pet plants are adorable plants that can be accessorized, personalized, are easy to care for, and brings you joy! Pet plants can be ideal for small children, students in dorms who cannot keep a pet, those who are too busy to care for an animal, or those with homes without much natural light. They are also ideal for anyone who loves cute things!

Where are you located? 

We are located in beautiful Edinburgh, Scotland. We are a registered company; Moss and Tumble LTD. You can find our company information on our Contact Us page.

What are Moss Ball Pets?

Nearly impossible to kill, moss balls are adorable, fuzzy aquatic plants wearing hats! They have their own styles and personalities, and are extremely easy to care for. They come with everything you need to care for them including a glass container, aquarium rocks, its adorable hats and accessories, a set up guide and tips, and tweezers to dress your moss ball perfectly!

But what are moss balls? 

Scientifically known as Aegagropila linnaei, these captivating green orbs have a tale as fascinating as their appearance. While we call them moss, they are actually not moss at all, but a type of aquatic algae! When the algae is tumbled around by the waters, it forms into a ball and continues to grow outward in a round shape.

Tatsuhiko Kawakami, a Japanese botanist, bestowed upon them the name "marimo" in 1898, blending "mari" for a bouncy play ball and "mo" for water plants. Picture clusters of these unique algae forming in scenic lakes and rivers across the globe, from the picturesque landscapes of Iceland and Scotland to the serene waters of Japan, Estonia, and even as far as Australia in 2014.

What makes marimo truly special is their growth form. Unlike typical algae, marimo algae take the shape of large green balls with a velvety texture, creating a visually stunning spectacle in their aquatic habitats. It's a rare and fascinating phenomenon that sets marimo apart in the world of aquatic flora.

Legend has it that marimo is not just a botanical oddity; it's also a symbol of enduring love. According to Japanese folklore, a young tribal chief's daughter and her lover faced societal challenges that led them to transform into marimo balls, preserving their love for eternity. This myth adds a touch of magic to the already captivating narrative of marimo.

Beyond the folklore, marimo moss balls have gained popularity as delightful companions in homes and offices. Unlike traditional houseplants, marimo thrive underwater, creating a unique and mesmerizing display. Caring for them is a breeze – as long as they remain submerged, they radiate their green magic without demanding much attention.

In Japanese culture, gifting or owning a large family moss ball is considered prestigious due to their long lifespan, reaching up to 200 years in some cases. The legendary love story associated with marimo adds sentimental value, making these green balls not just aesthetically pleasing but also imbued with a sense of enduring love and prosperity.

What are Tumbleweed Pets? 

Our tumbleweed pets are even easier to care for, as they are not alive! You know those giant tumbleweeds that blow across the lonely, scorching midwest of America? Well these are adorable, tiny versions of them! Our tumbleweeds are hand crafted using naturally sourced, dried organic plant material, lovingly woven into miniature tumbleweeds. They require no water, light, or cleaning. They come with adorable hats and accessories, just like our moss balls!